Healthy Valentine’s Day Date Ideas to Supercharge You and Your SO


At this time of year, it’s easy to cave in to the idea of the height of romance being a night on the couch with your Netflix cued up, especially if you’ve been with your partner a while. There ain’t nothing wrong with that if that’s what you want to do, but if you’re feeling like you need to bring a jolt of fresh energy into your Valentine’s Day date, give one of these romantic and healthy options a try. (You can thank me later)

  • Couples Massage- This one is a total classic, not only is it a yummy and relaxing experience for you both, but massage also has whole-body benefits including reduced muscle tension, improved circulation, and lymphatic drainage, as well as a reduction in stress hormones. On a budget? Take turns giving each other a massage

  • Hiking- Get out and enjoy this beautiful island together. Explore somewhere you’ve never been before, and let the restorative effects of nature saturate you. Being in nature not only reduces stress, anger, and fear, but it also reduces blood pressure, heart rate and levels of stress hormones. I recommend Jocelyn Hill at Gowland Tod Park for the spectacular views of the Finlayson Arm. 

  • Nourish Yourselves- Head out for a nourishing meal at one of the many local restaurants with a whole-food focus and a romantic atmosphere. I recommend Be Love or 10 Acres

  • Couples Yoga- Partner Yoga is a great way to increase intimacy and trust between you and your significant other. Can’t find a class near you? Try out these poses.

  • Make a Lifestyle Change Together- Have you been talking about making smoothies a part of your daily routine for ages? Been putting off those fitness classes you wanted to take together? Buy the Nutrabullet or the Zumba passes and wrap it with the promise to commit to the change together. Having a shared experience will increase both your intimacy and your likeliness to succeed. 

  • Play 36 Questions- Stay in and set the mood for a cozy and vulnerable night of intimacy building. Answering these 36 questions are said to make you fall in love. Emotional intimacy reduces the stress hormone cortisol and increases your levels of oxytocin both of which reduce your risk for heart disease, intestinal problems, depression, and anxiety.

  • Sensual Chef- They say the fastest way to the heart is through the stomach. Cook one of these aphrodisiac meals together. 

RelationshipsSerena Gee