How to Work Out Without Equipment


Whether your gyms are still closed due to lockdown, or you just want to be exercising outside in the beautiful weather we’re having, you’re going to want to bookmark this one. 

Believe it or not, you can actually get an extremely effective workout without any equipment, at home, or anywhere. 

How many you do is up to you and your personal fitness level. A good rule of thumb is to do as many as you can, and then do 1 more. :) 

Remember to consult with your doctor or personal trainer before starting a new exercise routine to make sure it’s right for you and your body. 


Cardio may seem obvious, but it is super important for your overall health as well as the health of your heart. 

Great outdoor cardio options include walking, running, hiking, swimming, and biking.

If you don’t have access to an outdoor space, you can also get your cardio indoors by doing jumping jacks, burpees, or good old fashioned running on the spot. 

JUMPING JACKS- From a standing position, jump your legs and arms out like a starfish and then back in to have your arms down by your side. 

BURPEE- From a standing position, raise your arms up above your head and jump up into the air. When you land, bring your upper body down to the ground and plant your hands. Jump your feet back and do a pushup and then jump your feet forward and jump back up with your arms above your head and repeat


As many gym rats like to say,”Never skip leg day.” Having a strong lower body not only raises your metabolism (as does all muscle development) but also helps prevent lower back injury, strengthens weak joints and promotes better stability and mobility. 

SQUATS- Make sure to keep your knees in line over your feet while doing squats, and come down to a 90 degree angle with the floor. If you want to amp it up, try going slower on the way up, or jumping on the way up and landing back into your squat position. 

LUNGES- Step forward with one foot and lean into your front knee, keeping it in line over your foot, while bending your back knee down towards the floor. Alternate legs. 

SIDE KICKS- Kick one leg straight out to the side and alternate.

TIP TOES- Stand and go up onto your tip toes and lower yourself down. Repeat.


Having a strong core is super important for your mobility and for preventing back injuries. 

PLANK- From laying on your stomach, lift your upper body onto your elbows while keeping your legs parallel with the floor and hold. 

SIT UPS- Good old fashioned sit ups go a long ways. Laying on your back with bent knees, lift your shoulders up off the ground and lean your chest up towards your knees. Hands can be either straight out and touch your knees or behind your head, but be careful not to pull on your neck. 

LEG LIFTS- Laying on your back, lift your legs a few inches off the floor and hold. Alternate hugging one knee into your chest at a time, while keeping the other leg off the floor. Try to keep your lower back flat on the ground as much as possible. 

HIP TAPS- In a plank position, bring one hip down to the side towards the floor and alternate.

Upper body

Having a strong upper body helps prevent injury from lifting and also increases mobility. 

PUSH UPS- From your hands and knees, lean forward into your hands with a straight back and lift your leet up off the ground. Raise and lower your chest from the ground. Legs can also be extended out and knees lifted up for a more intense pushup. 

TRICEP DIPS- Find a sturdy object like a couch or a coffee table and sit with your back to it. Place your hands behind you on it and raise and lower your body in front of the object. You can also do this without any objects by going into the crab position and raising and lowering your torso. 

BEAR CRAWL- With your hands and feet both on the ground, crawl around, keeping your knees off the ground. You may feel silly doing this one but it is very effective!

TURKISH GET UP- While laying on your back, hold an object in your hand straight up in the air. Now stand up without moving the object. Sounds easy? You'd be wrong. 

Here’s to healthy and strong bodies, no matter what resources you have available!