How your Breath Can Serve You - A Discussion on Breathwork, Benefits and Practices.

Breathing in, breathing out… Did you know that the way we breathe affects all aspects of our lives? 

Science is showing that our breath is our greatest tool for a balanced life, and a calm mind. 

Why is it so powerful?

Breathwork has a direct correlation between our breath and both parts of our autonomic nervous system (ANS): the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).

Simply put, when the body is stressed and activated either by a chronic condition or an acute event, it directly affects our health. This could lead to possible heart conditions, obesity and inflammation in the body. 

With breathwork practices that stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, we can directly counteract quick shallow breathing in stressful situations by deepening into slower breaths, leading to calmness and relief.

On the other hand, when the inner processes of the body are stagnant and needing a boost, activating the sympathetic nervous system will jolt the body with quicker, energising breaths, leading to more focus and alertness. 

Breathwork is also known to benefit in areas of anxiety, sleep, mood, emotions and blood pressure. Whether you are interested in leading a more mindful & healthy life, calming your nervous system or activating more energy in the body, breathwork is a great place to explore. 

Cultivating a Conscious Breath Practice 

All the practices begin the same way - by bringing focused awareness to our breath, yet it is important to note that it may not be recommended for those who have serious or pre-existing heart problems, are pregnant, or have any underlying respiratory issues. In those cases, it is best to consult with a medical practitioner first.

Let’s take a look at some different types of functional & daily breathwork practices. These can be as short as 1 minute or as long as your schedule has time for and the benefits grow with each practice.

Diaphragmatic breathing: Also known as belly breathing, is an easy exercise that involves slow breaths deep into the diaphragm, letting the belly expand.. This is a great practice for beginners and a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. 

Box breathing: This exercise involves inhaling, pausing, exhaling and pausing again for equal amounts of time. For example, inhale for 6 seconds, pause for 6 seconds, exhale for 6, and pause again for 6 and repeat. This style of breath is a great way to relieve anxiety & stress, improve sleep and improve focus. Another practice for those who are new to breathwork.

Alternate Nostril breathing: A technique to control the breath through the nostrils, this practice supports the mental, respiratory and circulatory systems. This is great to assist with lowering blood pressure, improve oxygen flow and promotes calm & relaxation. Practice by using one of your fingers to close off one nostril at a time to breathe in and then alternate to exhale and then reverse. 

Breath of Fire: During this practice, inhales are passive and exhales are forceful. With each exhale, the abdominal muscles contract inwards, which is the main focus of this activating breath. This practice helps with digestion, as it stimulates energy and movement within the body, as well as improves focus and respiratory function. It can also leave you feeling more energised, so it is best practised in the morning. 

Wim Hof breathing: For this practice, exhales are passive while inhales are strong and focused for 30 breath cycles at a time. On the 30th breath, there is a pause and a breath hold at the end of the last exhale for as long as is comfortable, followed by another inhale and 15 second pause. This basic method continues for 3 rounds and is beneficial for increased energy, stronger immune system and enhanced focus.

Breathwork is a great tool because it is accessible to almost everyone and can be done anywhere, anytime. Whether you practise along with the many in depth videos found online or attend an in-person session, this modality is sure to offer more clarity, ease and focus in your life.