Benefits of Building Muscle, and Guide How to Make Sustainable Gains

If you’ve stuck with your New Years Resolution to hit the gym this year, you may be finding yourself feeling a little lost when it comes to strength training. 

Many women are afraid to strength train because they are worried about getting bulky, but there are many health benefits to strong muscles, along with actually improving the figure. 

Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of building muscle, as well as some tips for sustainable gains. 

Benefits of Building Muscle

1. Better Sports Performance, or Capacity in Daily Life- Simply, stronger bodies are able to perform better, whether that be in sport or the demands of daily life. 

2. Leaner Appearance- Building muscle can lead to a leaner looking body. Many women focus on cardio and fat loss for their bodies best look, but muscle building can have an even bigger impact on looking trim. 

3. Decreased Risk of Injury and Falls- Strength training improves our range of motion as well as reinforcing strength around joints can reduce the risk of injury and falls as you are better able to support your body.

4. Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels- Studies have shown a 30% increase in risk of type 2 diabetes amongst women who did not strength train vs those who did. This is due to the body's natural process of taking sugars in the blood and sending them to the muscle cells. When we increase muscle cells, we decrease the amount of sugars in the blood. Increased muscle mass is also linked with better insulin sensitivity. 

5. Improves Bone Strength- The short term stress that weight lifting exercises place on the bones send a signal to the cells to increase bone strength, which is especially beneficial into old age. 

Your Guide to Sustainable Gains

Let's demystify the muscle building process a bit. It really is quite simple, and a few easy shifts in your routine can carry big impacts on your gains. 

1. Eat Plenty of Protein

The biggest key to building muscle is to eat protein! Protein is what the body uses to create muscle, and getting adequate amounts is important to supporting your gains. Around 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight is a good daily goal to hit when building muscle. 

2. Choose Your Weight and Reps

There are two pathways to take when building muscle, one is lifting less than your maximum capacity and doing more reps to create muscle tension. The other is to lift heavier weights with less repetitions to create that tension. Both are effective, and the path you choose depends on your goals. Be careful not to overdo it, and choose a weight that is manageable depending on your training style.

3. Consistency is Key 

Training regularly is the key to building muscle. Set a goal, as little as twice a week, and stick with it to see benefits and results. 

4. Progress Gradually

Gradually increasing the amount of weight and the number of reps each week will progress you to your strength gaining goals. 

5. Get Support

Getting support from a personal trainer can be helpful in designing a routine that is right for you, as well as ensuring you are lifting with proper form to reduce risk of injury. You can also find workout plans to follow online depending on how you split your pumps.

6. Split Up Muscle Groups

A good way to minimize soreness and give muscles a chance to recover is to split up the muscle groups you’re training. A popular one is to split upper and lower body exercises up, or to focus on push exercises one day, and pulling exercises another. 

7. Use a Buddy System

If you’re intimidated by the weight section, teaming up with a gym buddy can help reduce anxiety and support accountability.

Happy training.

ExerciseSerena Gee