Candida- Signs of Overgrowth and What to Do About It


Now, I don’t want to gross you out, but your body is teeming with bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites… and that’s a sign that you are alive and healthy!

You may have heard mention of the microbiome, specifically, your gut flora, which is made up of billions of microscopic little helpers that basically run the show behind the scenes. 

However, if this gut flora becomes out of balance, and any one of these billions of microbes overgrows, it can cause many health issues. 

One of the most common imbalances that occur is a Candida, or yeast, overgrowth. 

Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

  1. Chronic fatigue, always feeling tired, and a bit run down or under the weather. 

  2. Sugar and carbohydrate cravings

  3. Brain fog, difficulty concentrating or staying focused, feeling “spaced out”  

  4. Irritability, mood swings or anxiety and depression

  5. Bloating, constipation, diarrhea 

  6. Frequent Infections, such as genital, urinary, oral, or sinus infections.

  7. Skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis, or itching

  8. Fungal nail infections

Causes of Imbalance that Lead to Candida Overgrowth

There are a few factors that can lead to Candida running rampant in the body. 

1. Antibiotic Use- Good gut flora keep Candida in balance and unfortunately, antibiotics wipe out all of the good bacteria in the gut along with any harmful ones, which creates an environment for Candida to flourish unchecked. 

2. High Sugar and Carbohydrate Diet- Yeast feeds on sugar, and carbohydrates converted into sugar during the digestive process. Eating a high sugar diet is like adding fertilizer that specifically helps out Candida. 

3. Diabetes- Improper insulin production due to Diabetes leads to a high sugar environment within the gut.

4. Oral Contraceptive Use- The artificial hormones in the Birth Control Pill can disrupt the body’s natural progesterone and estrogen balance, candida has the ability to attach itself to estrogen, so high levels can fuel an overgrowth.

5. High Alcohol Intake- Alcohol turns into sugar in your digestive system, and so has the same effect as eating a high sugar diet. 

6. A Weakened Immune System- If the body is already working hard trying to fight off another infection, it can be easier for Candida to bloom and flourish as most of the body’s resources are being sent elsewhere. 

7. High Stress Levels- Stress triggers the release of the hormone cortisol, which when high and chronic levels are present, works to suppress the immune system and our good bacteria.

How to Rebalance the Gut Flora

In order to bring your gut back into balance, the first step is to mitigate the underlying cause. From there, it will be an ongoing process of rebuilding and maintaining a healthy gut flora, which is done through what you eat. 

1. Nix the Sugar

It should go without saying that in order to rebuild a healthy environment in your gut, the sugar, alcohol, and high carbohydrate intake is going to have to go. This is the key to overcoming a Candida overgrowth, and though it can be challenging, it is doable. Learn more about going sugar-free here

2. Eat Fermented Foods 

Fermented foods, such as kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, and miso. These foods have natural probiotics and are shown to be more effective than supplements in supporting healthy gut flora, and they’re delicious!

3. Take Probiotic Supplements

Supplementing with probiotics helps to prevent against overgrowth and supports the good bacteria in your system that is fighting to bring the candida into balance. 

4. Eat Foods that Help Fight Candida: 

  • Garlic has antifungal properties that work against Candida

  • Curcumin  kills Candida and helps reduce its growth

  • Coconut Oil helps fight Candida

  • Xylitol decreases Candida’s ability to stick to surfaces and cause infection, plus it’s a great sugar substitute!

If you suspect that Candida may be a factor inhibiting your wellness, I recommend consulting with your healthcare provider to formulate a plan specific to you and your needs. It may seem like a challenge in the beginning, but the lasting effects of a healthy microbiome will be worth it. The human body is teeming with life, so let’s make sure that life supports us in living the best version of ours. 

Gut HealthSerena Gee