How to Support Your Post Holiday Sugar Detox

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Going off sugar cold turkey can be hard, especially after the holidays. With treats abound and temptations high, what may have started as a small indulgence has snowballed into a full-scale sugar roller coaster. 

If you’re finding yourself in the midst of sugar addiction, read on.  I’ve put together a list of effective ways to set yourself up to nix the sugar habit with ease. 

Sugar Really is Addictive

First things first, let’s get the facts around the white stuff straight. Sugar is addictive. Indulging in sugar triggers the release of dopamine in the same area of the brain as heroin and cocaine and when you consume sugar regularly you develop a tolerance for it. This means you need to consume higher and higher levels of sugar to experience the same “rush”.

This leads to a cycle of craving and indulgence (The sugar roller coaster) 

Cutting sugar out of your diet has tangible withdrawal symptoms such as depression, anxiety, changes in sleep patterns, cravings, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and lightheadedness. 

This can make it extremely difficult to break the cycle, but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. 

Set Yourself Up for Success

There are a lot of things you can do to help make your transition as easy as possible. I can’t stress how far taking these measures will go in minimizing the cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

  • INCREASE YOUR PROTEIN INTAKE- Make sure to eat protein with every meal, and consider increasing your total protein intake for the first few days. This will help you feel satisfied and help regulate your blood sugar.

  • EAT MORE FAT- As with protein, this will help keep your blood sugar levels more stable. Some of my favorites sources of healthy fats are nuts and seeds, avocados, and olive oil.

  • MAKE SURE TO EAT REGULAR MEALS- The last thing you want is a blood sugar crash, which will intensify any withdrawal symptoms.

  • GET LOTS OF REST AND STAY WELL-HYDRATED- Lack of sleep and dehydration can increase sugar cravings and leave you feeling weaker in your resolve to cut sugar. 

  • EAT MORE GREENS- According to a 2014 study starting your day off with greens can decrease your sugar cravings. 

  • LIMIT CAFFEINE AND ALCOHOL - These substances can contribute to blood sugar irregularities that will make the sugar detox experience harder.

  • READ LABELS- Added sugar is hiding in unexpected places. For example, ketchup has up to 4g of sugar per serving. Common names for sugar in ingredient lists include high-fructose corn syrup, cane sugar or juice, maltose, dextrose, rice syrup, and caramel. 

  • DON’T IMMEDIATELY REACH FOR SUGAR SUBSTITUTES- Artificial sweeteners have a host of negative effects on your health and also encourage sugar dependent habits. Instead, focus on removing sugar from your diet and then reintroducing healthy and natural alternatives once you’ve reached a stable point. 

  • SUGAR BUSTING NUTRIENTS - Chromium, berberine, cinnamon, and gymnema are some well researched and effective nutrients to help you curb those cravings and balance blood sugars.

Wondering what to do when the cravings kick in? Check out my easy to follow check list of what to do when you get a sugar craving. You’re going to want to bookmark this next one for future reference.