Self Care is More than the Odd Bubble Bath


July 24 is International Self Care Day. 

How beautiful that we have a special day to recognize the importance of taking care of ourselves, but self-care is something we need to prioritize every day. 

The old oxygen mask cliche is used so much for a reason: it is SO true. 

Taking care of ourselves is the most important thing we can do because it sets us up to be able to take care of those we love, and make an impact out in the world. Without it, we crumble, or at best, don’t reach our full potential. 

When many of us hear the term self-care, we think of something like a bubble bath or a spa day, but self-care is so much more than that. 

The Six Pillars of Self Care

Mental Self Care

Mental self-care is about stimulating your mind and your imagination. 

Examples: Read a book, listen to a podcast, solve a puzzle, write a story, make art, learn one new thing, visit a museum or an art gallery, see a play, attend a lecture or debate, watch a movie, solve a problem. 

Physical Self Care 

Physical Self Care is about taking care of your physical body. 

Examples: Go for a walk, ride a bike, swim in a lake, do yoga, stretch, eat your greens, see a doctor for something ailing you, rest, have a nap, drink 8 glasses of water a day, go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep, get enough protein, avoid sugar, dance, getting fresh air, laying in the sun. 

Emotional Self Care 

Emotional self-care centers around regulating and holding space for your emotions and feelings. 

Examples: Journal about what you’re feeling, make art, tell someone how you feel, talk to counselor or therapist, feel your feelings, laugh, cry, practice self-compassion, scream in your car, punch your pillow, say affirmations, do things just for fun and joy, taking a mental health day. 

Spiritual Self Care 

Spiritual self-care is about our connection to ourselves, and anything we hold in value “bigger than ourselves” 

Examples: Prayer, meditation, getting fresh air, laying in the sun, being in nature, dance, art, mindfulness practice, yoga, journaling, connecting with poetry or art, listening to music, soaking in a bath, lighting a candle. 

Social Self Care 

Social self-care recognizes that social interaction is a key component to human wellness. Remember to base this on your individual needs, some people need more or less interaction with people and it’s all okay. 

ExamplesSpending time with a friend, calling your mom, social media interactions, participating in a group, setting healthy boundaries, date night with your partner, spending time with your kids, taking some time alone.

Practical Self Care 

Practical Self Care is about doing the things in your life that you need to navigate through life with ease and minimal stress. 

Examples: Taking a shower, packing a lunch, cleaning your space, doing your taxes, creating a budget, organize your closet, plan your day, create a to-do list, do your laundry, learn how to check your oil on your car. 

My challenge for you

You’ll notice that there is a lot of overlap in the examples given. That is because many things serve multiple types of self-care, and also because it is completely unique to you as an individual. 

For someone, listening to music and dancing may connect them with their physical self-care, but for others, that could be a foundational practice in their spiritual self-care. It doesn’t matter so much what you are doing, as it matters why you’re doing it. 

Create a list of at least 10 different things you can do under each category. Make a few of them really easy (like eating one piece of fruit or meditating for 5 mins) and make a commitment to doing one thing from each category every single day.

The beauty of this challenge is it makes your self care a priority without causing you stress. Your self-care is meant to support you, not spread you thinner. On the days where everything is just too much, you can choose the smaller wins, and when you’re feeling fired up you can do the bigger activities that you enjoy. 

Happy Self Care Day!