Are You Brave Enough for a Dip in the Ocean? Benefits of Cold, Salty Water


It’s no secret that the waters surrounding our beautiful island are COLD. 

Even in the heat of Summer, ocean temperatures off our coasts only increase by about 4*C from 7.5*C in the Winter, to 11.5*C in the Summer. 

You aren’t alone if the thought of making a splash in those temperatures makes you shudder, yet there are some key benefits to taking the dive into cold salty water. Some are even courageous enough to take part in these benefits year-round through ‘cold’ or ‘polar bear’ dips. 

Why Cold Water Packs a Big Punch

‘Cold Therapy’ is becoming a bit of a buzz these days, but it is certainly nothing new. The Egyptians were using cold ocean swims for healing properties as far back as 2500 BC!

The reason this enduring practice has lasted and is resurfacing in the wellness world, is it’s incredibly powerful!

Some benefits correlated with cold water immersion are: 

  • Easing muscle pain

  • Reduced inflammation and swelling

  • Increased blood flow and circulation

  • Better mood regulation

  • Energy-boosting and reduction of fatigue

  • Improved lymphatic drainage

  • Increased metabolism

Vitamin Sea- The Superiority of Salt

Saltwater holds a particular sort of medicine over submersion in freshwater. This is due to the mineral components absorbed through the skin, as well as the negative ions released by water in motion. 

Some benefits correlated with being in and near the ocean are: 

  • Seawater plays host to a rich store of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and zinc. These minerals can help improve the strength of your skin’s barriers, improve elasticity, as well as help reduce inflammation caused by conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. 

  • Saltwater helps reduce muscle stress and promotes better sleep due to magnesium absorption through the skin.

  • Research has shown that swimming in the sea may reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and reduces stress by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system.

  • Ocean waves crashing is not only deeply meditative and soothing but also releases negative ions. Negative ions are released by certain environments, like ocean surf, and help to boost serotonin levels, relieve stress, and boost energy.

How to Do an Ocean Dip

There are a few tips to maximize your benefits and have the best success getting in the water.

  1. Make sure to have warm clothes, blankets and towels ready for you when you get out. Even in the Summer, you’ll welcome this extra warmth as your body readjusts. 

  2. Breathe. It is tempting to hold your breath, but breathing strong and steady will get you through the first 20 seconds of cold. 

  3. In Summer, try to stay in for at least 5 minutes to get the maximum benefits. Note: If you’re taking the plunge in the Winter, it’s important to know that being in water less than 10*C for longer than two minutes can lead to hypothermia. For Winter plunges, get in and get out. 

  4. Avoid diving or jumping in. It seems tempting to get it over with right away, but cold water can lead to shock and gasping that can be dangerous while underwater. It’s best to walk into the water quickly or lower yourself down a ladder so that you can keep your head above water until you are ready to submerge if desired. 

  5. Warm up slowly. Don’t immediately jump in a hot tub, shower, or sauna. Allow your body to slowly readjust before warming up further. 

So, are you brave enough to take the plunge?