The Benefits of Heat Therapy

As more fancy heat products are coming on the market, there are many things to consider. Let’s look into why heat therapy works, what conditions it supports and which option might be right for you.

Why Heat Therapy?

The biggest use for heat therapy is pain relief. Depending on the type of heat used and for which condition, it can loosen stiff muscles and joints, increase blood flow, improve sleep and remove toxins from the body (via sweating). 

When heat is applied to the body, the metabolism increases and nerves become sedated and calmed. The rise in metabolism causes the blood vessels to dilate and increase in blood flow. 

When the skin begins to sweat with the increased dilation and continued rise in metabolism, toxins are able to be released continuing a healing process and assisting damaged tissues in finding repair and bringing more circulation and oxygen to the body.

That being said, heat therapy is highly beneficial in assisting with improving mobility, treating chronic pain and loosening muscles aside from all of the other pain relief, relaxation and host of other healing abilities it can offer. 

It is also so beneficial for anyone who is looking for more energy, vitality and wellbeing as sweating every day boosts mood, releases toxins and wards away sickness with the antimicrobial properties of our sweat.

So What’s the Difference Between Dry and Moist Heat Therapies?

Dry Heat - Very therapeutic in nature and the most convenient for treating pain, this method does not involve putting moisture on the skin. It does however dehydrate the skin as it draws out moisture. Examples of dry heat therapy: Heating pad, bean bag, dry sauna, infrared mats, red light.

Moist Heat - To get a greater heat penetration and pain relief, moist heat therapy gets deeper into the tissues depending on the length of exposure. Examples of moist heat therapy: Hot bath, hot tub, steam sauna, moist heating packs, hot towels.

Let’s Dive Deeper into Some Popular Heat Therapy Avenues and Their Benefits:

Infrared Mats - A more pricey option for pain relief, yet proven and effective for healing and repair. Infrared technology penetrates deep into the tissues and muscles and is a form of dry heat therapy. Made typically with layers of organic materials and even crystals, they are proven to help with circulation, relaxation, balance mood, lessen anxiety, and lower blood pressure. 

Red Light - Red light therapy provides benefits of low level light minus harmful UV rays. This is a powerful healing technology that can stimulate mitochondria and improve their function in the body. It has a bunch of other benefits such as: skin healing, lowering inflammation, helps build collagen, stimulates slow healing of wounds, improves hair growth, treats seasonal depression, and boosts immune function. 

Saunas - A safe choice for most people, 15-20 minutes in the sauna can do wonders for our health. This method helps improve immunity, reduces stress and improves cardiovascular health. This is a great health tool for year round but especially lovely on a cold dreary winter day, and super affordable at your local rec center!

Steam Rooms- Similar in benefits to the sauna, and also found affordably through most recreation centers, 15-20 mins in the steam room also boasts humidifying benefits such as skin moisturization and congestion relief. 

Heat Pad/Hot Water Bottle - Super handy and found at any local drug store. These are convenient things to have on hand and can be placed on most parts of the body that need attention. These can be very useful for helping digestion issues, cramps, neck pain or even just to warm up your bed at night!

A Nice Hot Bath - Much more than just cleaning the body, taking a nice hot bath with added minerals (epsom salt, magnesium flakes) will do the trick of easing the body. A good soak promotes happy hormones and helps you relax after a long or painful day. The added salts/minerals are key players when it comes to healing muscles and nerves.

I hope this was a useful highlight on some benefits of heat therapy. May it inspire you to take those extra steps towards a more warm and comforting path in your body’s healing and pain relief.