Posts in Blood Sugar Management
Diabetic Friendly Holiday Treats

As the holiday treat train approaches the station, nobody wants to miss out on all the goodies! Just because you may be living with diabetes doesn’t mean everything has to be off limits, treat wise. There are still options to indulge, it just takes a little bit of extra mindfulness with ingredients and moderation around treat intake.   Let’s take a look at some of my favorite diabetic friendly ingredients and why they are supportive to a diabetic lifestyle when consumed mindfully.

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Your Spring Sugar Detox Game Plan

Spring is the perfect time to get off of the sugar rollercoaster in time for the ease of warm weather. I’ve even roped my husband into detoxing alongside me, because let’s face it, going off sugar-cold turkey can be hard. If you’re finding yourself in the midst of sugar addiction, read on. I’ve put together a list of effective ways to set yourself up to nix the sugar habit with ease.

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Why am I so tired all the time? 11 Possible Reasons for Fatigue

Do you feel like you wake up every morning tired, no matter how early you go to bed, and feel like you have to drag yourself through your day, again and again, relying on your morning coffee, and your afternoon coffee to make it through the day? Fatigue is a common complaint I hear amongst my patients, and there are many reasons why someone might be experiencing ongoing tiredness.

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Finding Balance Over the Holidays

Let’s face it... It can be REALLY hard to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle over the holidays. Temptation is aplenty, coziness abounds. It can be easy to get swept up with all of the festivities and suddenly realize you’re well established on the sugar rollercoaster, and it’s been weeks since you moved your body. I’ve pulled together some of my favorite tips to enjoy this season, without getting totally thrown off track.

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