The Sugar Craving Checklist (Do This Before you Indulge)

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Last week I shared my favourite ways to support your post-holiday sugar detox. 

But what happens when you’ve done everything you can and you still find yourself hankering for a mid-afternoon cinnamon roll? 

Stop right where you are and follow this checklist.

Level One: What to do When You Get a Craving

  • CONSIDER YOUR MOTIVATIONS- Are you REALLY craving sugar, or are you really just bored or feeling a little down and looking for a pick me up? Are you thirsty, hungry, or tired? We often confuse other cues our body is giving us with food cravings.

  • DRINK A GLASS OF WATER AND WAIT 15 MINS- Chances are you won’t be craving it anymore.

  • EAT SOMETHING BITTER- Bitter foods such as cocoa, arugula, and traditional digestive bitters actually put the brakes on the receptors in the brain that triggered the craving in the first place. 

Level Two: When Push Comes to Shove (How to Satisfy an Incessant Sweet Tooth)

Can’t get past the craving? Here are some options that will satisfy your sweet tooth without sabotaging your process. 

  • FRESH FRUIT AND BERRIES- Your body processes the natural sugars in fruit differently than refined sugar, plus fruit is packed with nutrients, fiber and also hydrates you. They make a delicious treat and fruits like apples or pears can also be baked and sprinkled with spices for an extra lavish experience.

  • HERBAL TEA- Herbal teas come in a variety of delicious flavors and blends. Teas like peppermint and licorice root have a natural sweetness that is very satisfying and hydrating. Drinking tea after dinner can help you relax and prepare for sleep as well. 

  • DARK CHOCOLATE- Chocolate with 70% cocoa or higher is your friend. It is low in sugar and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. And well, its... Chocolate. 

  • DRIED FRUIT- Fruit becomes much more concentrated and therefore sweeter when it is dried. Having a couple of dried dates, figs, or apricots can be an effective way to satisfy your sugar craving. Just remember to not overindulge as the sugar adds up fast. 

  • COCONUT SUGAR- Coconut Sugar has a lower glycemic load and is a good substitute for sugar in baking.

Level Three: Remember, Life is Really all About Balance.

Indulging every once in a while and being a part of the moment that includes sugar is part of the joy of being alive. You can always bookmark this article for future reference.