Posts in Foundations for Health
Top Three Simple Changes to Radically Upgrade Your Health Today

You want to get healthy. You want to live your best life. You are overwhelmed with all of the information floating around on the internet about fancy bio hacks, supplements, diets, meal plans, workout routines, blah blah blah. You find yourself paralyzed with indecision and just wish someone would tell you what to do and make it easy because you just don’t have the time or energy to spend hours and hours researching and planning. Never fear, Dr. Marita is here. 

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8 Tips for Staying Healthy in Desk Jobs: Insights from a Naturopathic Doctor

In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves spending hours at a desk, whether for work or study. While desk jobs have their advantages, they can also take a toll on our health if we're not mindful. As a Naturopathic Doctor, I've seen the impact of desk work on physical and mental well-being. Here are eight tips to help you maintain your health while working at a desk.

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8 Health Goals to Focus on Instead of Getting a "Summer Body"

As the warmer months fast approach, it's common for people to focus on achieving a "summer body." However, rather than fixating on appearance alone, it's essential to prioritize overall well-being and adopt a more holistic approach to health. In this article, we will explore eight health goals that promote natural well-being and vitality. By shifting our focus to these goals, we can enhance our physical, mental, and emotional health, leading to a happier and more fulfilling summer season.

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4 Lifestyle Changes to Embrace for a Healthy Summer

Summer is a season of warmth, vitality, and outdoor activities. It provides a perfect opportunity to reevaluate our habits and make positive changes that support our well-being. This summer, why not embrace four small lifestyle changes that could have a big impact on your quality of life? By incorporating these changes into your routine, you can enhance your overall health, boost energy levels, and fully embrace the joys of the season.

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The Importance of Sunshine (And How to Enjoy Safely)

With all of the horror stories about the damaging effects of the sun’s UV rays, we can sometimes lose sight of the life-giving qualities of the sun, and the profound impact that sun exposure has on good health. 

As with anything, it ultimately comes down to balance. So let's dive into why getting some rays is important for good health, in addition to touching base on the cornerstones to enjoying the sun safely.

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The Foundation of Movement

I’ll bet when I say to you we were talking about movement, your mind went straight to the treadmill. In some ways, our society has pigeonholed the concept of movement to be about weight loss and fitness, but movement is so much more than that. Movement can be a way to get fit and keep your body healthy, but it can also become a way to release stress, a way to ground yourself, and even a portal for spiritual connection. The biggest gift that movement gives us is connection to our bodies. And in a world where so much of our experience happens mentally (Hello virtual meetings and social media) coming back into the physical world through movement is game-changing. Let’s look at the different types of movement and what they offer to us.

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The Foundation of Food

What did you eat today? So much of our lives revolve around food. It is a cornerstone for our pleasure, our socialization, and most of all, our health. Obviously, we need food to survive, but food has the capacity to mean a lot more than that. Eating the right food can help us THRIVE. Welcome to part 3 of my Foundations of Health series. We’ve covered Water and Sleep, and this month it’s all about food.

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The Foundation of Water

Without it, we die. With not enough of it, our bodies don’t function properly. So many common health and wellness complaints could be improved by simply being properly hydrated. Don’t feel good? Drink a glass of water and wait 5 minutes. I promise you something will have improved. This month we are going to dive into the Foundation of Water, right on time for the kick off of Summer.

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The Foundation of Sleep

How did you sleep last night? If you’re like around half of all Canadians, the answer is probably “okay” or “not that great.” If you’re saying to yourself, “I’m doing okay with my 5 hours a night.” I would like to ask you, are you sure? Long term studies show that poor sleep habits can cause depression, increased risk of type 2 diabetes, higher risk of stroke and heart disease, weakened immune system, increased inflammation, hormone imbalances, impaired brain function, and weight gain. Read about the importance of sleep and how to maintain good sleep hygiene

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